Discovering Yoga

I was so stressed last week from work. A big regional meeting is coming up and I coordinate everything and anything related to that. To begin with, this is the part that I like least about my job. I’m elated at the data analysis part, the regression tasks and strategy discussion, even the presentations I am asked to do sometimes – but coordination work really isn’t for me. I’m such a control freak that I hate depending on the people or agencies I coordinate with. The only icing on the cake was that I get to go to the meeting (which is held abroad). BUT, suddenly the administration says only regular employees can go. Thank you very much. Being the only person who constantly coordinated with these institutions, I had to transfer a year-long knowledge and history to the team who will be going. Nice.

Good thing, I discovered a yoga studio last week! M has been inviting me since last month to practice yoga with her. I was stressed and felt I needed a break so I said yes. And was I glad, I did. We took a Vinyasa class that day, then I came back for a Yin yoga class the day after. I’ve been practicing on and off for the past two months using downloaded yoga clips. A studio class practice however really pushes your limits; plus the teachers are great! I feel I’m in touch with my body better. I am more aware of my limitations and strengths. I found out that my lower back is really curved, my legs are not so strong and I have to practice on my balance.

This week, I’ve been to two classes already. My body is sore everyday but I feel so good and so alive. I am proud that I’m making an effort to make this part of my routine. I even took a one week unlimited package and if all goes well, I might take a one month unlimited package next week. I want to keep my momentum going.

Whenever I have a down time(usually when I’m on my way to work or back to the house), I used to always think about my life and if I’m living it the way I want to. It’s kind of depressing, really. Because I only think about what I want to do, plan what I want to do, then you’ll find me thinking and wanting the same thing in a month – therefore, depressing.

Well today, I noticed I don’t do that anymore. I’m just so excited about the day because I’ll get to practice yoga! I feel I took a step outside my introvert comfort zone – that I’m making this conscious decision in my life to improve myself.

I’m already thankful that I don’t get to go to that regional meeting so I can give time to myself through yoga.