Achievements: CSC exam and Yoga practice

July 10, 2013.

The day I learned that I passed the civil service exam. Yes folks! I can now apply for a regular government employee position. Hurrah to me!

Since the list of passers was posted on the office bulletin, people kept congratulating me (and the others who passed as well). I’m happy that I passed. But I can’t help but be more excited about my yoga practice later that day. I kept thinking of doing a back-to-back Vinyasa and Power yoga sessions.

When I was on the mat later that day, I was super elated! I couldn’t do all the poses properly in Vinyasa but I could feel my progress and my strength improving! In Power Yoga, I couldn’t do several of the asanas but I was still so elated just being on the mat and trying! I was just so proud of myself for making time for my yoga practice and myself.

In contrast, I think the CSC exam was more of a relief than an achievement. My yoga practice is a far from perfect (I couldn’t do a proper forward bend, for pete’s sake!) yet I feel that showing up regularly on the mat is my real achievement.

So I celebrated by getting a one month unlimited package in my wonderful shala!

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