
Funny how I only have the motivation to write when I practice. I’ve been on a break for almost a month. I wasn’t injured, I wasn’t busy. I was just lazy. After 6months of consistent and dedicated practice, I let myself be distracted. It started with my relatives visiting, then watching TV shows I couldn’t / wouldn’t let go off even when I wake up in the morning, and later the traveling excuse. Sigh. I’ve been a bad yogi. I did some sun salutes or until the fundamental asanas around once a week, but not my full practice. I could feel I was only doing it just to tell myself I did something – but I didn’t have Tristhana in practice. So I doesn’t feel like practice.

Today, after days of procrastination, I practiced again. Practice meaning I was on my mat, mindful of my breathing, my drishti and my asana. Far from perfect. But I’m happy I practiced. On my mat, there is this euphoric feeling that I’m practicing – each asana and the transitions between the asanas felt new – and I’m puzzled why I gave in to my laziness, when practicing brings so much to me.

I feel I’m still distracted but that’s why I need yoga.

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